Membership Form


Special Interests and Talents (Please check those that apply to you)


General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

In order for The American Women's Organization of, we must have releases from all members in order to collect data about them. This includes keeping a members list which is required by Greek law and includes the members in a members' book which is kept current each year for as long as you are a member.

This book is held only by the Treasurer and Membership Secretary and must be kept on hand in case of an audit of the Organization. This list is not shared with third parties and is required in order for you to be a member.

A list of members in good standing is also seen by the Assistant Treasurer, Constitution Chair, Secretary and President. The list of members’ names is necessary for sign-in/voting purposes of members only at General Assemblies. It is also necessary for the accounting purposes of the organization insofar as how much money in dues is received.

I agree to the above stated policies:

NOTE:  When you SUBMIT this form, the AWOG Membership Chair will be informed of your application, and will contact you after it has been approved.  You will be then asked to pay your membership dues. 

Dues are Euro 40.00 yearly. You must be sponsored by two current members.

*Non-American citizens residing in Greece and sufficient in English may become Members upon written application which must be signed by two members and approved by the Board of Directors.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Copyright © 2020 AWOG Greece
Athens, Greece